An Outstanding Must-Follow Diet Plan For Diabetes Reversal
Have you been detected with elevated blood sugar levels or a prediabetic condition recently? Do you wish to restore your blood glucose levels to normalcy? If nodded along positively, counting on dietary modifications and weight loss measures can help you in diabetes reversal. Diabetes is a chronic health condition characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, and it’s rising worldwide at an alarming rate. There prevail two types of diabetes, namely, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. While type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune, genetic condition that affects suddenly, often early in life; type 2 diabetes is a gradually developing lifestyle-related condition which occurs when your body cells become resistant to insulin and it’s reversible. By making some dietary modifications, managing weight, and practising healthy eating and lifestyle habits, you can reverse type 2 diabetes and restore your levels of blood glucose and insulin to normal.
A healthy lifestyle that includes a diet plan for diabetes reversal, adequate sleep, regular physical activity, and stress management can help you keep your blood sugar levels in check. So, you might be wondering which diet plan can help you in reversing type 2 diabetes to normalcy, aren’t you? Discover all about diabetes reversal diet and plan by reading this blog below.
An Outstanding Diet Plan for Diabetes Reversal:
1. Choose Whole Food Plant-Based Options:
One of the most effective ways when it comes to diabetes management is opting for whole food plant-based options when planning your diet. It comprises plant-based food sources and cuts out meat and other animal-based options and highly processed foods. Plant-based whole foods are rich in nutrients, promote smooth weight loss, and help you keep your blood glucose levels in check without having to worry about limiting the portion size. After done with the diet plan for diabetes reversal, you can stick to a plant-based diet easily and enjoy sustainable weight loss benefits and improved health.
2. Fill Your Half Plate with Fruits and Veggies & Rest with Pulses and Grains:
Another healthiest key to lowering your blood sugar levels when working on diabetes reversal is filling your half plate with raw vegetables and fruits and the rest half with lentils, grains, and pulses. Vegetarian food options play a vital role in diabetes management. So, you may have whole grain rotis, daal, fruits, and vegetables of your choice. Here’s a list of essential food groups that you can add to your diabetes reversal diet.
- Leafy green vegetables
- Cruciferous vegetables
- Protein food sources such as pulses, sprouts, lentils, and beans.
- Whole grain foods of millet, ragi, bajra, and whole grain options
- Citric fruits
- Flax seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds.
- Vitamin D food sources, such as soy and mushrooms, as they help prevent a rise in blood sugar and improve your insulin sensitivity.
3. Have a Half Tsp of Black Cumin Daily Morning:
One of the easiest yet highly effective dietary tips to manage diabetes is having a half teaspoon of black cumin in the morning daily. Black cumin has several health benefits. It works to reduce your blood glucose levels, increase insulin production, reduce insulin resistance, and stimulate cellular activity. All these effects of black cumin help in diabetes reversal. Every morning, you may have not more than a half teaspoon of black cumin on empty stomach. Continue this for at least six weeks. Consulting a certified nutritionist can prove beneficial when working on diabetes reversal. Fenugreek seeds (methi) are also known for their diabetes management benefits. So, you may also include fenugreek seeds in your customized diabetic plan when making efforts for diabetes reversal. Additionally, if you add a pinch of cinnamon powder to cumin water, you may experience more benefits in diabetes management.
4. Include a Minimum of Two Servings of Pulses or Beans in your daily diet:
Relishing plain rice is bound to elevate your blood sugar level. However, eating an optimum quantity of rice along with lentils, beans, or pulses happens to cut the elevation of your blood sugar level to nearly half. Additionally, having pulses or lentils for your lunch makes your blood glucose level rise slowly even for dinner and the next day. This is called the lentil effect or second meal effect.
Beans are a healthy food for diabetes reversal. They happen to be prebiotic fiber for the gut and stimulate the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs help in increasing insulin absorption in the body. Moreover, the intake of beans and whole grains also is effective in reducing insulin resistance in people.
Beans are fibrous carbohydrates that are packed with vitamins. For better absorption, you can add a source of vitamin C to your beans; for instance, a half lemon per serving of beans.
5. Avoid Dairy Products:
When working on diabetes reversal, try your best to avoid dairy products and work on having nutritious substitutes. You need to watch your intake of carbohydrates when managing diabetes. Carbohydrates in milk break down and turn into sugar in your bloodstream. Having a lot of milk in your diet plan for diabetes reversal is more likely to cause a spike in your blood sugar. So, prefer to have almond milk in place of dairy milk to avoid a rise in your blood glucose level. Also, you may have vegan cheese in place of dairy cheese in your diet for diabetes reversal. Additionally, it is important to note that intake of animal protein is known to be linked with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So, when following a diabetes reversal diet and plan, opt for plant-based proteins instead of animal-based proteins. Expert nutritionists can help you make nutritious plant-based food choices to receive adequate protein intake while achieving diabetes reversal.
6. Limit or Avoid Oils:
Diabetic individuals are most often more prone to develop clogged blood vessels and suffer from coronary artery diseases when their body gets saturated fats from meat, dairy, and oils. Oils are empty calories having no nutritional valve. So, when struggling to achieve diabetes reversal, try your best to avoid oils in your diet. If you can’t avoid them completely, you may limit oils to fortnight meals in a very minimum quantity. Try oil-free cooking and you are sure to find a variety of healthy cooking options. You may cook delicacies in a pressure cooker, oven, and steamer. You may dry roast bay leaves, cumin seeds, dried red chilies, and mustard seeds; add a little water that will make you sense the fantastic aroma that the roasted mixture releases. Add a variety of chopped vegetables to this powdered spices roast and cook food without oil. It may take a little more time but such oil-free cooking is sure to help in diabetes reversal.
7. Say No to Refined Flour:
When you eat processed or refined grains i.e. flour, you happen to consume food that has diminished nutritional value and that can easily cause a spike in your blood sugar. Refined flour has hardly any nutritional value but has a retained starchy content that can negatively affect your diabetes reversal efforts. So, it is wise to switch to whole grain instead of refined flour. Whole grains offer anti-inflammatory benefits that aid in healing diabetic individuals. Prefer to have brown rice in your diet plan for diabetes reversal instead of white rice. Switch to whole grain roti made from ragi, millets, and barley instead of white roti. You may eat ragi chapati or bajra phulkas. Similarly, prefer to eat whole wheat bread instead of white bread. You may cook brown rice and eat it with daal and cooked vegetables. Avoid cookies, white bread, and maida.
8. Go for Low-Carb Foods:
When dealing with type 2 diabetes, you will notice that opting for a low-carb meal helps reduce your blood sugar levels substantially, as required. Also, it helps in achieving desired weight loss and improving health effectively. Low-carb, nutritious foods are quite effective in nourishing you, boosting your immunity, and lowering and restoring your blood sugar level to normal healthily and safely. Seeking the guidance of certified nutritionists can help you have healthy low-carb foods in your customised diabetic plan for diabetes reversal. Such a healthy, low-carb diet will help you enjoy improved health, feel more energetic, and focused, and strengthen your immune system.
9. Regular Exercise:
Besides these dietary measures, incorporate regular mild to moderate exercise in your routine. You may practice a brisk walk for 40 minutes daily, cycling, swimming, jogging, and other aerobic exercises to reduce your blood sugar levels.
10. Keep Stress Away:
When attempting to achieve diabetes reversal, avoid stress. Stress can affect your blood sugar levels negatively, thereby making you suffer from a spike in blood sugar. So, resort to relaxation techniques, such as yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation, among others to minimize your stress. You also feel stressed when you do things at the last moment. So, plan things ahead of time. Also, make sure that you have adequate, continuous sleep daily. De-stressing yourself will help a lot in diabetes reversal.
So, if you are struggling to succeed in your diabetes reversal efforts, incorporate these dietary measures into your routine. Seeking the guidance of certified dieticians and nutritionists, such as health experts at Health Total, will help you have a customized diabetic plan for restoring your blood sugar levels to normalcy. Our diabetes reversal diet and plan not only helps lower your blood sugar levels but also eliminates your nutritional deficiencies, boosts immunity, manages your weight, and minimizes the potential health risks while promoting good health. So, be quick, get in touch with us at Health Total, and get started to achieve your health goals with our personalized diet plan for diabetes reversal.
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