10 Reasons That Explain Why People Fall Sick More Often
Are you finding yourself catching a cold or flu frequently? Do you spend more time lying on the couch down with a fever or fatigued? It could be an indication that your immune system has weakened or has become less resilient. Seasonal cold or getting cold twice or thrice a year is normal, and, in seven to ten days you even recover from it. However, if you are suffering from a cold or flu more than this, it might be due to a weakened immune system. Fortunately, immune boosting diet plan can help you restore your immunity and strengthen your immune system naturally and safely without any side effects. However, you might be wondering what factors or causes are responsible for taking a toll on your health, aren’t you? Learn 10 prominent reasons that make you fall sick often and may call for an immunity-boosting diet plan.
10 Factors Responsible for Making You Fall Sick Frequently
Here are 10 prominent causes that affect your health adversely and make you feel sick often.
- Chronic Stress:
Elevated stress levels impact the functioning of your immune system adversely, as they can make you suffer from bad health often. Your body releases a hormone called cortisol as a reaction to stress. However, high levels of this hormone are not favourable for healing and may affect your physical and psychological health adversely. Amidst your busy work and domestic schedule, you may not even realize that you are suffering from chronic stress, Fatigue, tension headaches, chronic muscle tension, and sleep disturbances are some common symptoms of chronic stress; and you may often feel unwell due to it. Yoga, light exercise, brisk walk, nutritious immunity-boosting diet plan, and pursuing creative hobbies can help you reduce your stress.
- Sleep Deprivation:
Adequate continuous sound sleep is crucial for having a robust immune system. If you have poor sleep habits, such as irregular sleep schedules and disturbed sleep, or unhealthy habits, such as daily excess consumption of coffee or smoking, you may suffer from deprivation, feel dull or tired throughout the day, and fall sick more often. A lack of sleep reduces your body’s ability to repair damage to your tissues and muscles for natural healing and weakens your immune system. So, you fail to fight viruses and feel unwell frequently. Also, it’s not just the quantity of sleep that matter but also the quality plays a vital role in boosting your immunity. So, make sure you enjoy continuous, sound sleep for about 7 to 8 hours daily. An immune-boosting diet plan can help you eat healthy foods that help induce sleep at the right time and prevent you from consuming foods that cause sleep deprivation.
- Immune Disorder:
If your immune system is compromised, you happen to feel unwell frequently. Certain viral infections and genetic disorders can weaken your immune system. At times, some individuals are born with a weak immune system; this condition is known as primary immune deficiency. If any infection, disease, or disorder weakens your immune system, it is known as acquired immune deficiency. When your immune system mistakenly affects your body negatively by attacking healthy cells, it is called autoimmune disease. At times, one may even experience an abnormal immune reaction, for instance, an allergy. Consulting your doctor and expert dieticians can help you improve your immunity. Having a diet comprising foods that are proven immune boosters can work wonders in strengthening your immune system.
- Leukopenia:
The health condition that prevents the production of new white blood cells (WBCs) in your marrow or kills WBCs faster than they are reproduced resulting in a low level of white blood cells in your blood is called leukopenia. This affects your body’s ability to combat various viruses and harmful microbes and makes you susceptible to illness. Fatigue, fever, perspiration, chills, and falling sick frequently are the common symptoms of leukopenia. This condition of a low count of WBCs can result due to various viral infections. Autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can also lead to a reduction in the formation of WBCs.
Overactive spleen, aplastic anaemia, leukaemia, and myelodysplastic syndrome are some serious health conditions that can also lower the WBC count. Leukopenia can also result due to protein-calorie malnutrition. If you wish to raise your white blood cell count and immunity, include eggs, Greek yoghurt, beans, fish, and milk in your diet for the immune system. Increasing your intake of folate and vitamin B12 can help increase WBCs and boost your resistance power to fight various ailments.
- Nutritional Deficiencies and Dehydration:
Vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients are quintessential for the smooth functioning of your body systems, including the immune system, which helps you stay healthy and heal you faster. Unhealthy or poor dietary habits can deprive you of these crucial nutrients, thereby weakening the immune system that makes you susceptible to illness. Also, inadequate intake of water can cause chronic dehydration, which can also hamper the effective functioning of your immune system. So, be sure that you drink ample water, i.e. about 8 to 10 glasses of water, daily. Also, follow immunity boosting diet plan comprising foods abundant in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients, such as colourful vegetables, nuts, seeds, and more nutrient-dense foods.
- Having Excess Sugar in Your Diet:
Excess sugar in your diet elevates your blood sugar levels which hamper the functioning of white blood cells. As a result, the ability of your immune system to combat pathogens is reduced. High insulin levels also hinder T-cells, which play a vital role in managing the acquired immune system. High blood glucose level decreases the reactivity of WBCs, thereby weakening your immune system. So, for the healthy functioning of your immune system, ensure that you do not consume a lot of sugar. Avoid processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and sweetened beverages. Switch to immunity boosting diet comprising whole foods and nutritious options.
- Poor Oral Hygiene:
Good dental care not only helps prevent tooth decay, tooth loss, and gum diseases but also aids in maintaining good general health and preventing you from falling sick often. Brushing and flossing are an integral part of good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth properly twice a day helps minimize the harmful bacteria from your mouth and aids in creating a healthy environment for good bacteria that helps you enjoy good health. So, practice good oral hygiene and keep infections and diseases at bay. Also, avoid eating a diet high in sugar, and prefer a nutritious diet plan for the immune system.
- Excessive Alcohol Consumption:
Alcohol consumption impacts your adaptive as well as innate immune system negatively. Also, it kills the healthy bacteria in your gut that not only lowers your immunity but also triggers inflammation. Chronic inflammation can make you suffer from serious, chronic health issues, such as cancer, cardiovascular conditions, and diabetes. So, restrict or avoid the intake of alcohol. The assistance of a certified dietician can help you have an immune-boosting diet plan limiting or eliminating the alcohol intake.
- Chronic Medical Conditions:
People suffering from chronic health conditions are more vulnerable to catchinga cold, getting flu, and falling sick often. If you have diabetes, hypertension, or congestive heart disease, your immune system might be already functioning more than necessary to deal with the prevailing disease. Have a word with your doctor and dietician to manage your chronic health condition. Going for a nutritious immune-boosting diet plan and following certain dietary measures may help you manage the chronic illness effectively and naturally, increase your resistance power, and prevent you from falling sick frequently.
- A Lack of Exercise:
Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy body and mind. A lack of physical activity can affect your body negatively, promote weight gain or obesity, cardiovascular conditions, and make you prone to illnesses. Exercise helps flush bacteria out of the lungs and prevent you from catching a cold, flu, and other conditions. WBCs circulate more rapidly in your body and detect and prevent illness when you exercise regularly. Exercise also lowers stress hormone levels and safeguards you from ailments. A rise in body temperature due to good exercise helps your body combat infection more effectively. So, along with having proven immune boosters in your diet, include exercise in your routine. You may go for a brisk walk, swim, jog, and do yoga. Fitness enthusiasts can do strength training, cardio workouts, and other high-intensity exercises. Take care that you do not overdo it.
So, if frequent health setbacks are bothering you and you are looking for a natural yet effective solution, opt for an immunity-boosting diet plan. Certified dieticians, such as health experts at Health Total can help you have a personalized diet comprising proven immune boosters. Eat well, get enough rest, drink plenty of water, stay active, and practice good hygiene habits to enjoy good health. Our diet plan for the immune system not only helps you prevent falling sick often but also nourishes your body, boosts your immunity, and improves your quality of life. So, waste no time, get in touch with us at Health Total and stay in pink of health with our customized immune-boosting diet plan.
Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips for improving your immunity, avoiding falling sick often or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!