Everything About Sustainable Healthy Veg Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Are you a vegetarian trying to lose weight without compromising your health? Are you wondering what foods veg diet plan should contain to improve your immunity and health while getting in shape? If you nodded along affirmatively, you can find this blog quite helpful. Several people follow a vegetarian diet to support no animal cruelty and reduce environmental damage. A vegetarian diet excludes all sorts of meats and their by-products. Certain vegetarian diets, such as the lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, contain eggs and dairy products. Fresh fruits, cereals, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and legumes are integral elements of a veg diet. A balanced vegetarian diet helps you stay fit, meets your nutritional needs, and maintains optimum weight. It often contains minimal saturated fats and more antioxidant, folate, minerals, vitamins, and fibre content. Often, vegetarians consume a greater quantity of fruits and vegetables that help them have the daily recommended intake of micronutrients. Consulting certified dieticians can help you have a customised veg diet plan for weight loss for women and men to enjoy sustainable weight loss benefits. So, you might be wondering how to plan and follow a vegetarian diet to lose weight, aren’t you? Continue reading to get a clear idea about it.
Healthy Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Here’s everything a balanced veg diet plan for weight loss.
Pay Attention to the Type of Carbohydrates You Devour
Foods containing ample refined carbohydrates are high in calories and deficient in nutrients. These include bread and bakery products. Refined carbohydrates lack fibre and fail to nourish you. You only end up increasing your calorie intake with them. So, replace refined carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains. Whole grains provide you with fibre, minerals, and nutrients. Including complex carbohydrates in your diet not only supply you with fibre that helps you stay full for longer but also helps you keep your blood glucose levels in check. They help you lose weight and have a healthy dose of nutrients. So, include fresh vegetables, beans, fruits, millets, nuts, pulses, and whole grains in your weight loss diet plan plan comprising solely veg options.
Have Sufficient Protein Options in the Diet
One of the most common concerns of vegetarians is the limited availability of plant-based protein sources. So, most often, an unplanned vegetarian meal is likely to be deficient in proteins. Adequate protein intake is crucial to maintain good health. Protein is the building block of your muscles and body organs. A sufficient intake of protein also helps you feel satiated by reducing ghrelin levels. This helps you keep your appetite in check. Thus, protein promotes weight loss while improving your overall health. So, include foods abundant in proteins, such as rajma, chole, beans, chickpeas, and soy, in your snacks and meals.
Peas, lentils, and beans are low-fat protein sources that also offer vitamins, fibre, and minerals. Pulses are essential for people who don’t eat fish, meat, and dairy products. You can also munch on a handful of nuts and drink milk for adequate protein intake. Use multigrain flour comprising millets to prepare rotis, as it helps you receive a good dose of micronutrients, such as calcium and iron. Don’t miss adding sprouts to your breakfast.
Keep Your Portion Size in Check
While following a vegetarian natural weight loss diet, make sure that you keep your portion size in check. It will help you eat food in the required quantity and prevent you from overeating.
Relish Multi-coloured Vegetables and Fruits Daily
Fresh vegetables and fruits of various colours provide you with ample nutrients. Eating raw fruits and cooked leafy greens provide you with fibre that promotes digestion and prevents constipation. The high-fibre content in them helps you stay full for longer. So, fill your half plate with vegetables abundant in fibre, such as broccoli, mushrooms, leafy greens, and cauliflower. Also, prefer to eat watery veggies and fruits, such as citrus fruits, cucumber, melons, pumpkins, and squash. They help curb hunger and are healthy low-calorie options that help you achieve weight loss goals.
Get Good Calcium Intake
You can have dairy products in your natural weight-loss diet, particularly if you are a Lacto-vegetarian. Having cheese and yoghurt helps you receive a healthy dose of calcium, vitamin B12 and vitamin A. Fortified unsweetened soya, oats, and rice milk also provides you with sufficient calcium, if you don’t wish to have dairy products in your diet. Other vegetarian options for calcium include leafy green vegetables and calcium-fortified bread. The guidance of certified nutritionists helps you make healthier and low-fat, low-sugar choices for weight loss.
Prefer to Have Unsaturated Oils
Often, we think fats promote weight gain and exclude them from the diet. However, unsaturated fats are healthy, and you can have them in your diet in moderation. Olive oil, sunflower oil, and vegetable oil are healthier options than saturated fats. They supply you with sufficient energy and omega-3 fatty acids while you lose weight.
Snack on Nuts and Seeds
Instead of reaching out for crispy chips and cookies when hungry, munch on some almonds, pistachios, and walnuts. These are nutritious snacks that help you feel full in a short span. You can also add flax seeds, sunflower seeds, melon seeds, and basil seeds to the veg diet for weight loss for women or men. Proteins, healthy fats, and fibre satiate and nourish you and keep your appetite in check. However, have nuts and seeds in moderation.
4 Types of Foods to Avoid when on a Veg Diet Plan for Weight Loss
While you are eating the foods listed above, you need to avoid certain foods that can cause undesirable weight gain. Also, these foods do no good to your health. Here’s a quick rundown of the foods to avoid when on a veg weight loss diet plan.
Refined Foods
Avoid eating refined foods, as they are deprived of nutrients. Moreover, they are calorie-dense foods that promote unwanted weight gain. So, refrain from eating maida and other refined grains.
Highly Processed Foods
Highly processed foods have a high content of added sugar and sodium. Also, they contain preservatives, additives, and unhealthy ingredients that may harm your health. Consuming them increases your calorie intake and contributes to undesirable weight gain. So, avoid eating packed foods, bakery products, pickles, processed beverages, papads, and pickles having preservatives.
Frozen, Canned, and Pickled Foods
Packed or store-bought foods that are pickled have high sodium content. Also, frozen and canned foods, such as frozen or canned vegetables, fruits, and nuts, contain high levels of added sugar and preservatives. Consuming them causes weight gain. When trying to lose weight with a natural weight-loss diet, avoid these foods.
Limit Foods High in Fats, Sugar, and Salt
You may love relishing chocolates, pastries, ice cream, cakes, and crisps. However, these foods are high in sugar. When working to get in shape, restrict the intake of these foods. These foods provide you with energy in form of sugars and fats; however; they offer you no or minimal nutrients. Eating them increases your weight. So, avoid or restrict the intake of these foods that are high in sugar, salt, and fats.
Sample Sustainable Nutritious Veg Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Here’s a sample veg diet plan for weight loss that can help you achieve desired fitness goals with veg options when you follow it consistently.
Early Morning (at 7 am): 2 tsp of fenugreek (soaked overnight) in a glass of water
Breakfast (at 8 am): 1 bowl of multigrain flakes with dates, strawberries, apples, and almonds
Mid-morning snack (at 11 am): 1 cup of pineapple slices with a pinch of Himalayan salt and some fresh lime juice
Lunch (at 1 pm): 1 multigrain roti + 1 cup of boiled black beans or cooked vegetable of black beans + 1 sliced cucumber + 1 cup of yoghurt
Evening snack (at 4 pm): 1 cup of green tea + 1 multigrain biscuit
Dinner (at 8 pm): 1 bowl of brown rice + 1 cup of chickpea curry + slices of fresh beetroot, cucumber, and carrot + 1 cup of warm milk before going to bed
Now that you know how to get in shape with a healthy veg diet plan, make sure that you follow it well. Consulting certified nutritionists and dieticians, such as health experts at Health Total, can help you receive a personalized best weight loss diet comprising all vegetarian options. Our diet plan chart not only helps you lose weight but also eliminates your nutritional deficiencies, improves your immunity, and lowers or prevents potential health risks. So, think no further, reach out to us at Health Total and embark on your weight loss journey with our customized veg diet plan.
Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips for losing weight with a nutritious vegetarian diet or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-833-171709 and Book Free Consultation!