When you think of weight loss, the first thought that comes to your mind is hitting the gym. Only a few of us would consider walking as an exercise to shed those extra kilos. Believe it or not, if you walk every day for one hour you can lose some major weight. This apart, it also lowers bad cholesterol and reduces your risk for both high blood pressure as well as diabetes. If your body refrains you from adopting hardcore exercise regime, this article is for you. Here are some of the many benefits of walking.
- It is an effective belly fat exercise.
- Challenging walking exercises can act as a good cardiovascular exercise.
- It is an easy way to tone your body and legs.
- Walking 15,000 steps every day might sound arduous at first, but once you start working on it, it is possible. Intensifying your walk will not even lead to sore muscles.
- Bring more variations in your speed, as this can enhance calorie burn by 20%. Including one-minute intervals in your walking routine will help you burn even more calories.
- Incorporate bodyweight exercises such as squats, push-ups, and dips. Apart from toning down your body, these exercises can increase your heartbeat, leading to an amazing workout routine altogether.
- Small walks can help you get in shape. For instance, park your car a bit far away from your door and walk the remaining distance, ditch the escalators and take staircases. Doing this on a daily basis can make you get that desired waistline.
- Consuming more water speeds the rate of weight loss. So, if you increase your water consumption by 1.5 liters per day, you can help burn 17,400 calories in a year!
- Avoid sugary drinks as they can do more harm than good. Sugary drinks provide you more than the calories burnt during a low-intensity workout, such as walking.
So, what are you waiting for? Wear your sneakers, plug your earphones and hit the road for a nice and long walk. Soon, your clothes will start fitting you better!