Diet and Health Tips for Mothers To-Be for Every Trimester
Are you expecting your little bundle of joy and wondering how to care for your health to ensure the good growth of your to-be-born baby? If that’s you, you can find this blog quite helpful. Health and nutrition carry great significance in pregnancy, as it accounts for the health of not only the expectant woman but also her growing foetus. As you sail from one trimester to another, you need to take extra of your health for the well-being of your baby that is growing within you. For this purpose, 11th April is celebrated as National Safe Motherhood Day in India. The health awareness initiative is celebrated to spread awareness among the masses about safe motherhood and the care, nutrition, and treatment that mothers-to-be need. Various campaigns are organized to ensure that every pregnant woman in India receives the necessary care and nourishment during pregnancy and after delivery for the good health and safety of the mother and the baby. The awareness day is also celebrated in honour of the birth anniversary of the well-known Kasturba Gandhi, the spouse of Mahatma Gandhi and the noted leader of the Indian Independence Movement. This year – 2023, the theme of this national health awareness day is “Remain at home amid coronavirus, protect mother and infant safe from coronavirus”. It emphasizes the safety and good health of expectant women.
Following the right dietary practices can also help expecting women to stay in the pink of health and ensure optimum health and growth of their to-be-born babies. What you consume has a great impact on your health. The right food for PCOS to get pregnant is beneficial to increase the chances of conceiving. In pregnancy, good nutritional care is essential in every trimester. So, you might be wondering what diet and nutrition you should follow to ensure your health in pregnancy along with the good growth of your unborn baby, aren’t you? Here’s everything about it.
Calorie Requirement in Three Trimesters of Pregnancy:
In pregnancy, your calorie requirement may vary in each trimester. Here’s a quick rundown of it.
- First Trimester (first 12 weeks of pregnancy): Most expecting females do not need extra calories than usual in this phase.
- Second Trimester (13 to 26 weeks of pregnancy): You may need about 340 extra calories daily.
- Last Trimester (after 26 weeks of pregnancy): Most females in this phase of pregnancy require about 450 extra calories daily.
Dietary Measures for the First Trimester of Pregnancy:
The first trimester begins from the first day of your last menstrual period to the last day of the 12th week of your pregnancy. Even though it’s the very initial stage of pregnancy, you need to care for your nutrition and diet. Here are some diet tips to follow in this phase.
- Relish more homemade foods rich in essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Also, eat a variety of nutritious foods supplying you with a healthy dose of iron, folate, and calcium.
- You may increase your intake of supplements of folic acid.
- Savour small meals at regular intervals.
- Drink sufficient water daily. Avoid the risk of dehydration.
- Avoid stress.
- Have ample rest. Make sure that you sleep for 8 hours continuously at night. You can also rest for a minimum of two hours during the day. Prefer to lie on your left side of the body, as it boosts the supply of blood to the foetus.
- Do normal routine activities unless it’s advised otherwise by the doctor.
- Go for a walk in the fresh air daily. Walking plays a crucial role in maintaining your muscles toned and keeping you active. If you are wondering how to control pregnancy bp and blood sugar levels, regular walking can help. It also reduces the risk of gestational diabetes.
- Say no to junk foods. Eating junk and sugary foods during pregnancy can increase your risk of gestational diabetes.
- Refrain from eating raw pineapple and raw papaya.
- Do not self-medicate. Always visit certified doctors if you have any health concerns while expecting and follow their guidance.
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and smoking.
- Do not eat foods that can lead to constipation.
Dietary Measures for the Second Trimester of Pregnancy:
The second trimester ranges from the 13th week to the end of the 26th week of pregnancy. It is believed to be the safest and best phase of pregnancy.
- Calcium is also crucial for the smooth functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems and the good development of the muscles. So, enrich your weight loss diet plan for females in the second trimester with dairy products such as; yoghurt, milk, and cheese; eggs, and leafy greens.
- Spend some time in the fresh sunlight in the morning, as it is the best source of vitamin D. If your dietician and doctor recommend fortified foods, such as milk and cereals, or vitamin D supplements, have them.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the healthy development of the baby’s brain, central nervous system, heart, and immune system. The consumption of omega-3 fatty acids prevents the risk of postpartum depression, premature delivery, and preeclampsia. So, include flaxseeds, fatty fish, and chia seeds in your diet.
- Iron intake is essential in this phase. Your growing baby needs an adequate oxygen supply. Inadequate iron intake can make the expectant mother suffer from anaemia. This can increase the risk of postpartum depression and premature birth. So, include iron food sources, such as dark green leafy vegetables, lentils, beans, apples, and dates, in your weight loss diet plan for females.
- Protein is an inevitable nutrient for the healthy development of various body tissues and the brain of the baby. Also, proteins are essential for the good health of the uterus of the expecting mother. So, devour protein-abundant foods at least twice a day in the second trimester. Eat fish, beans, eggs, and lentils.
- Adequate intake of folate during this phase helps in preventing the risk of neural tube defects. Also, it minimizes the risk of congenital heart defects in the baby. So, add beans, leafy green vegetables, fruits, and prenatal vitamins to your diet.
- Beta-carotene food sources in this phase help in the development of the baby’s healthy skin and blood. So, add green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, cantaloupe, spinach, sweet potatoes, and broccoli to your diet.
- Ensure that you stay hydrated and drink about eight to twelve glasses of water daily.
- Restrict your intake of caffeine.
- Avoid alcohol and smoking.
- Avoid eating undercooked meat to prevent the risk of infections.
Dietary Measures for the Third Trimester of Pregnancy:
The span from the first day of the 27th week of your pregnancy to the delivery marks the third trimester of pregnancy. Continue to eat all nutritious foods that you are consuming in the second trimester.
- The baby’s growth speeds up in this phase, as the baby gains weight. So, you may also experience weight gain rapidly in this phase. Do not worry about weight gain as long as you are eating a nutritious, balanced diet.
- The energy requirement of the expectant mother may increase in this phase, as the baby is building layers of fat. Also, the growing baby may make it difficult for the expectant mother to make room for more food in the belly. So, have small meal portions after every two hours to receive the necessary extra 500 calories daily.
- Vitamin K is crucial for blood clotting, which is needed post-delivery. So, in the third trimester, boost your intake of vitamin K food sources. Include green leafy vegetables, soyabean oil, and canola oil in your diet.
- Continue to eat iron food sources as you used to do in the second trimester. Iron is a crucial nutrient to prevent anaemia. It also helps prevent the risk of premature labour.
- Do not add extra salt or sodium-abundant foods to your diet in the third trimester. Expectant mothers may experience fluid retention issues in this phase. Eating extra salt may aggravate the condition and increase discomfort. So, limit your sodium intake to one teaspoon or six grams a day, as it’s healthy for the baby.
- Make sure that you are eating a nutritious diet as in the second trimester. Have plenty of vitamins, proteins, healthy fats, minerals, and other necessary nutrients to ensure the good health of the to-be-born baby and you. For those wondering how to control pregnancy bp, a balanced, healthy diet may work.
- Stay hydrated.
- Limit the intake of caffeine.
- Avoid alcohol and smoking.
Now that you know the significance of diet and nutrition in every trimester of pregnancy, let’s motivate maximum expecting women this National Safe Motherhood Day to benefit from these diet tips. Consulting certified dieticians and nutritionists, such as health experts at Health Total, can help you receive a customised diet plan for every trimester of pregnancy. Our weight loss diet plan for females not only helps you stay healthy throughout the pregnancy but also ensures good development and health of your to-be-born baby. It also helps you enjoy improved immunity and prevents potential health risks. So, be quick, reach out to us at Health Total and stay healthy and happy throughout your pregnancy with our personalized diet plan.
Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips for the good health of the expectant mother and her to-be-born baby with the right dietary measures or managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-833-171709 and Book Free Consultation!