Nutrition During the Monsoon Season

Managing Your Diet and Nutrition During the Monsoon Season

Monsoon season has finally arrived and brought relief from the scorching heat of summer, but the rainy season has also come with some health challenges. Wet climate and increased humidity can lead to health problems such as weakened immunity, indigestion and infections. Thus, everyone must pay attention to what they are eating. Here are some monsoon diet tips one can follow to stay healthy:

  • In the monsoon season, staying hydrated is important. Drink water in short intervals so that proper hydration helps flush out toxins and keeps the digestive system working smoothly. To avoid waterborne diseases, drink filtered or boiled water. To keep your body hydrated, you can also opt for herbal teas or soups, as they help preserve the body’s warmth.
  • Consume fruits and vegetables in the monsoon season. Some seasonal fruits and vegetables that are tasty and healthy are cucumber, peaches, cherries, plums, bitter gourd & bottle gourd. These foods and vegetables help boost immunity. They are also rich in antioxidants. Washing all food items properly to remove any dirt or pesticides is advised.
  • Street food is pleasing, but it must be avoided in the monsoon season. The humid environment and wet climate can lead to the growth of bacteria and other pathogens. Thus, street food can be risky to eat. In the rainy season, consume home-cooked meals where hygiene can be controlled and the quality of ingredients can be maintained.
  • Probiotics can be good for gut health so in the monsoon season you can consume probiotics such as buttermilk, yogurt & fermented foods—these help boost the immune system and digestion.
  • We all start craving fried and oil food, especially Fritters, as soon as it rains. But, consuming fried snacks in the monsoon season can result in weight gain and digestive problems. Opt for roasted or baked snacks instead of fried ones.

Weight Loss Diet Plan

Due to a lack of physical activity, losing weight can be tough in the monsoon season. Here is a sample of a weight loss diet plan  that one can follow to stay on track:

  • Begin your morning by consuming warm water and lemon. This will help detoxify your body and boost your metabolism. You can eat a fruit bowl, oatmeal, or a smoothie for breakfast.
  •  Lunch should be balanced, meaning it should be a mix of carbohydrates, lean protein & an abundance of vegetables. Example of a balanced meal – Salad, 1 bowl of yogurt & brown rice with a vegetable curry.
  • Choose healthy snack options like seasonal fruit or a handful of nuts. Other options include vegetable sticks, roasted chickpeas or hummus.
  • Try to eat a light dinner as it will be easy to digest. Example of dinner – Lentil soup or vegetable soup with steamed vegetables.
  • As physical activity can be restricted due to the weather, try to remain active indoors. Do yoga, Pilates & any home workout to keep yourself physically active.

Diet Chart for Weight Loss


Warm water with lemon – 1 Glass


Oatmeal topped with fruits

Smoothie mixed with banana, almond milk or spinach

Mid-Morning Snack

Seasonal fruit or a handful of nuts


Salad, 1 bowl of yogurt & brown rice with vegetable curry

Evening Snack

1 bowl of soup or roasted chickpeas


Lentil soup or vegetable soup with steamed vegetables


Herbal tea

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss


Warm water with lemon – 1 Glass


A bowl of smoothies topped with chia seeds, spinach or berries & chia seed pudding with fresh fruits or fresh fruits.

Mid-Morning Snack

Mixed seeds and nuts – 1 small bowl


Quinoa salad along with some cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, cucumber, and a lemon-tahini dressing.

Evening Snack

Roasted makhana – 1 small bowl or an apple along with 1 tbsp of peanut butter.


Vegetable stir-fry with tofu – 1 bowl with a side of whole-grain bread or brown rice


Herbal tea – 1 cup or Low-fat yogurt with some honey – 1 small bowl


Managing your diet and nutrients for the duration of the monsoon season is essential for retaining desirable health and reaching your weight reduction desires. By incorporating a well-balanced weight loss diet plan, you can experience the monsoon season without compromising your fitness. Remember, the key to a successful diet plan is consistency and aware consumption. Stay hydrated, pick out fresh and seasonal produce, and keep your meals mild and nutritious to navigate the monsoon healthily and happily.

August 2, 2024