Lose Weight Naturally by Changing Lifestyle
One of the most significant aspect of weight loss is keeping an optimistic attitude throughout your journey. In order to shed kilos and stay slim permanently, you must follow a healthier lifestyle every day. Losing a good amount of weight is very much possible, however, one must try to eat lesser calories and burn more.
You don’t have to mindlessly count calories, just keep track of a healthy and low calorie meal plan.
At Health Total, our doctors follow a unique 4-step process of Detoxification, Rejuvenation, Balance and Maintenance.
Also, in case you are fortunate to lose weight and reach your goals, it can be sometimes challenging to stay slim for life. However, below mentioned are some easy ways to lose weight and keep it off for a long time.
Stick to your changes: It took real effort to make those healthy changes which helped you lose weight, hence its best to stick with most of them.
High Protein, Low Calorie: Eating a low calorie but high fiber diet like salad, steamed vegetables, helps in keeping your digestive system smooth. Adding protein in every meal increases a feeling of fullness in your stomach. This helps in avoiding mindless overeating habits.
Do not skip your breakfast: While we are sleeping, our body has been fasting for atleast 8-9 hours. The body needs to be fed important nutrients early-on in the morning for it to function at its optimum level throughout the day. Hence, make sure to have a nutrient rich breakfast which helps you feel full and active atleast till lunch time.
Get Active Everyday: Take up simple exercises daily like swimming, jogging, brisk walk and yoga. Some kind of regular physical fitness activity is needed to burn of fat the healthy way and make your skin glow.
Healthy food swaps: Instead of that over-sized, restaurant-bought burger, make your own burger at home with brown bread and veggies of your choice. Always carry a tasty smoothie or any fruit of your choice in your bag.
At Health Total, we suggest you to be mindful of your eating instead of just going into a crash diet. Choose a balanced food plan which you can sustain for a long time and do not lose any opportunity to be active, this will give you the good chance to help achieve a steady and long term weight loss.
Just give a quick call on our toll free no: 1-800-843-0206 and schedule your appointment with our team. A simple consultation with the doctors and nutritionists of both genre: Ayurveda and Homeopathy can give easy and natural solutions to your long term problems.