Healthy Weight Loss with Coconut Water
Coconut trees are truly nature’s gift. It is a wonder tree where each part of it is useful for the mankind. The fresh coconut water and the flesh inside the coconut gives a full feeling in your stomach and is a healthy drink to consume whenever you lack energy. There are several advantages of coconut water, it does not confine itself to an energy drink alone, but has excellent medicinal properties for numerous ailments. It is good to have a profound understanding of its advantages before consuming it. The ten benefits are discussed below:
Re-hydration of the Body
Coconut water contains many vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body. The minerals found in coconut water like potassium and sodium, act as electrolytes, and it will balance the water level in your during hot summer. A glass of coconut water will get back all the lost minerals and vitamins to your body within a matter of few minutes. It is believed that coconut water was used as an alternative saline solution for soldiers during World War 2.
Cures Digestive System Disorders
It is an excellent home remedy for ailments like gastroenteritis, vomiting, dysentery, and flatulence. It is also suitable for children who show the symptoms of mild diarrhea.
Antimicrobial Properties
Coconut water has wonderful antimicrobial properties as it contains peptides that can kill both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Therefore, drinking coconut water helps to prevent acne and blemishes. It is also useful for curing eczema; you can apply it to the affected area and keep it overnight.
Controls Cholesterol
This reduces the risk of having cholesterol. Studies have been reported that consuming coconut water can reduce the triglycerides, LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and bad cholesterol levels in people.
Better Heart Health
Coconut water reduces the chance of having strokes and heart attacks.
Controls Hypertension
This can control high blood pressure. Consume one or two glasses of tender coconut water to control the hypertension level effectively
Tackles Urinary Disorders
Coconut water helps to get rid of the toxins from the body and keep the urinary system healthy.
Faster Recovery from Cholera
If you are suffering from cholera, mix two glasses of coconut water with three or four teaspoons of lime juice and consume it regularly. The potassium content of it brings back the electrolyte balance in the body and aids in faster recovery.
Boosting Metabolism
It helps to burn the extra fat in the body. It has a lesser concentration of carbohydrates, which makes it a healthy alternative to aerated soft drinks. Coconut water benefits in weight loss too and helps you to say bye to the gym.
Anti-ageing Properties
Coconut water contains cytokinins, which is an excellent anti-aging agent. It hydrates your skin, making it firm and radiant.
The aerated soft drinks give you instant energy but are harmful to your body. Always look out for healthy options like natural beverages. Coconut water offers endless health benefits, which makes it a healthy drink for people of all ages. So start your day by having a glass of coconut water; it keeps you fresh all day long.