8 Ways You Are Messing Up On Your Weight Loss Journey
Are you feeling fatigued or experiencing hair loss while following dietary measures to lose weight? Are your weight loss diet and workout routines failing to help you achieve the desired weight loss? Is your weight loss regimen backfiring on your health? If you nodded along positively, you might be following weight-loss strategies that are doing more harm than good. Most of us are looking for a quick fix to burn fat and get in shape. And, in a haste to lose weight, we end up following inappropriate techniques that prevent us from achieving our fitness goals. Some of us happen to follow some weight loss myths that may direct us in the wrong direction, thereby hampering our health. Identifying where we are going wrong and rectifying our errors paves our way to enjoying sustainable weight loss healthily. Here are some mistakes or wrong strategies that might be messing with your weight loss journey.
Eating Less but Doing More Intensive Workouts
While diet and exercise go hand in hand in helping you achieve your fitness goals, working out more and eating very less is not healthy. You need to fuel your body with nutritious food when you intensify your workout routines. By eating less, you deprive your body of the fuel (i.e. healthy food) that is essential for its smooth functioning. This may backfire on your health. Also, it can trigger a bout of binge eating, which again is not healthy for achieving your weight loss targets. Going for a dietician-designed customised weight loss diet plan for women and men can do wonders for your weight loss efforts. A personalized diet chart will help you shed those extra kilos without taking a toll on your health and enable you to enjoy sustainable weight loss benefits.
Snacking On Often Even When Not Hungry
Although it is wise to eat after some hours to avoid a drop in your metabolism and prevent you from experiencing a high appetite, snacking something now and then make calories pile up in your body. Small, frequent meals can help prevent the risk of weight gain, make you feel full, and minimize inflammation in your body. However, snacking on unhealthy food too often can hamper not just your weight loss efforts but also your health. So, keep a track of how often you eat and what you eat. It is wise to eat only when you are hungry for a successful weight loss journey. Prefer eating nutritious food and avoiding processed foods. Seeking the advice of certified nutritionists for a healthy weight loss diet chart can make a difference.
Relishing a Lot of Low-Fat Delicacies
Adding low-fat foods to your diet is crucial for promoting healthy weight loss; it doesn’t mean piling up your diet with low-fat options. Note that low-fat does not mean low-calorie. For instance, if you include low-fat cake in your regular diet as it pleases your taste buds, you end up consuming a lot more calories than what you would by eating a smaller slice of regular cake. It is necessary to understand that low-fat foods contain added sugar, flour, starch, or even salt to enhance the flavour and texture after reducing the fat content. All these ingredients boost the calorie count, which can hamper your weight loss efforts.
Insufficient Protein Intake
You need a high-protein diet only if you are doing intensive workouts in the gym is one of the weight loss myths. While one going to the gym needs proteins is true, even in your weight loss journey, you need enough intake of proteins as they aid weight loss in several ways. When you add proteins to your diet, they help minimize your appetite, reduce the quantity of weight regained, promote the feeling of fullness, boost metabolism, and safeguard your muscle mass during weight loss. Add some protein food sources to each meal. Don’t misunderstand that the protein food sources are limited to meat, fish, and dairy so only non-vegetarians can have plenty of proteins in their diet. If you are a vegetarian; beans, flaxseeds, quinoa, and legumes are some great sources of proteins that you can have in your vegetarian diet chart for weight loss.
Ditching Dairy
Various dairy products, such as cheese, milk, yoghurt and paneer, might be a big No for several dieters. However, it is important to note that these dairy products supply your body with a healthy dose of calcium naturally. Certain research states that, when your body receives sufficient calcium, it burns more fat; and, when the body is calcium-deprived, it happens to produce greater fat. It is also crucial to note that going for calcium supplements does not offer the same health and weight loss benefits. So, include non-fat or low-dairy products in your weight loss diet chart.
Substituting Solid Foods with Fluids
In the pursuit of rapid weight loss with minimal effort, people may resort to replacing meals or solid foods with fluids. Substituting nutritious meals with fruit juices, smoothies, or vegetable juices won’t provide your body with all crucial nutrients. Juices do not contain a significant quantity of fibre and protein, which are essential nutrients for maintaining good health. Also, pre-packaged juices contain preservatives and artificial sugar, which may elevate your blood glucose levels. Moreover, pre-packaged fluids may increase your appetite and make you end up overeating. Smoothies too are high in sugar. So, avoid replacing meals or solid foods with fluids in your weight loss diet chart.
Not Practicing Mindful Eating
You might think that snacking on a few sweets, chips, or deep-fried delicacies once or twice a day is alright when you are making a lot of other efforts to lose weight. This is one of the weight loss myths and does not hold water. The fact is that these stolen bites can stack up plenty of uncounted calories in your body, thereby leading to weight gain. Also, having your meals or snacks while distracted may lead to mindless eating. Suppose you are having your lunch while watching your favourite detective series on the television. In that case, you may end up eating larger portions and a comparatively greater quantity of food than what you would have eaten without any distractions. So, avoid eating in front of the screen, while reading a book, or while your mind is engaged in some or other distraction.
Being Inconsistent
Whether it’s your diet or exercise routine that you plan to follow, inconsistency can hamper your weight loss journey. Consistency is the key to success. So, if you are following a daily weight loss diet chart, stick to it. Manage your cravings, avoid indulging on weekends, and maintain consistency in your balanced diet to get in shape. Plan your diet and workout routine for the week in advance. Also, don’t take a break; and avoid relishing creamy, fatty foods, deep-fried foods, or any other tasty yet unhealthy food that may cause weight gain.
If you are having a hard time losing weight despite following diet and workout routines, you might be making some of the above mistakes. Seeking the guidance of certified dieticians, such as health experts at Health Total, can help you identify where you are going wrong while working on your fitness goals and recommend you the right techniques to make your weight loss journey smooth. The certified nutritionists have expertise in developing a customised weight loss diet chart for you to help you keep your weight loss efforts on the right track. Your diet plan for weight loss would be comprising all nutritious foods, which will nourish your body while you lose weight, and won’t contain unhealthy foods, which would hamper your weight loss journey. Following such a well-designed diet chart will not just help you burn the fat but also improve your immunity. So, think no further, reach out to us at Health Total and get in shape with our personalized weight loss diet plan for women and men.
Sign up for a FREE consultation with Health Total experts to get more tips on diet charts for weight loss or for managing any other health condition. Call toll-free at 1-800-843-0206 and book an appointment!