Do you find yourself searching the web for recipes of juices for a good cleanse? Ever wondered the properties of tomato amla juice benefits? We’ve got you covered. Raw vegetable juices as well as fruit juices when taken daily ensure that the body gets its daily quota of building material. Most people suffer from low energy levels and drag themselves through the day without feeling alive and active. You will get an ample supply of antioxidants and bioflavonoids that will help boost immunity, delay your ageing process, and help in weight loss. Read below to know more about the right vegetable juices for weight loss.
Here Are Raw Vegetable Juices For Good Skin And Overall Good Health
Amla and turmeric juice
Fresh amla and fresh turmeric have many therapeutic benefits. Amla is the richest source of Vitamin C. It helps increase immunity, aids detoxification, helps in weight loss and promotes health and longevity. You can also mix and match the combinations of vegetables, for eg. Beetroot carrot amla juice benefits your health by boosting immunity, improving digestion, and enhancing skin health.
- 1/2 cup chopped Amla
- 1-inch fresh turmeric stick
- 1/2 tsp Honey
How to make it
Put both in a grinder and make a paste using some water. Strain this mixture. Add some honey and drink it. It can be taken regularly in the morning to revitalize your immune system. Buy Alma Juice and Turmeric Juice Online here.
Carrot-beetroot-tomato juice
Did you know how beetroot and carrot juice benefits for weightloss? This combination contains a whole lot of biologically active components, which help to rejuvenate the cells, detoxify the liver, and ensure a glowing complexion while helping you lose weight. It contains nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, trace minerals like copper, iodine and highly digestible carbohydrates. Beetroot juice is a healthy tonic. It reduces acidity and aids the elimination cycle. It revitalizes the blood and nourishes the entire system. The juice is bright red in colour and has more antioxidants than any other less coloured juice. Tomato juice for weight loss provides essential nutrients while being low in calories, making it ideal for those aiming to shed excess pounds. You can add some Amla for a dose of vitamin-C. Carrot, beetroot, tomato, and amla juice benefits include improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and better skin health. Enjoy this nutritious juice for a healthy boost!
- 2 Carrots
- 2 Tomatoes
- 1 small Beetroot
How to make it
Wash and chop all the vegetables. Pass all these through a juicer to extract the juice. Add lemon drops and salt as per taste. Have it regularly in the morning.
Tulsi juice
The juice made out of Tulsi leaves is known to be an excellent remedy for asthma, bronchitis, cold cough, sinus problems, acidity, constipation, and fever. The leaves of Black Tulsi have more medicinal properties than green Tulsi.
- 25 Fresh Tulsi leaves
- 1/2 tsp Lemon juice
- Salt to taste
How to make it
Crush about twenty-five leaves into a paste using some water. Strain it. Add the lime juice and salt and drink it twice a day to enjoy its health benefits.
Watermelon juice
Here’s one more excellent remedy for acidity as it has a soothing effect on the stomach. Although not rich in fibre, it has a laxative effect. Moreover, it is low in calories and packed with nutrients. Its juice is rich in potassium and helps to reduce water retention and high blood pressure. Avoid excess use of salt, sugar, and maida if you suffer from water retention.
- 1 cup watermelon cubes
- 5-6 Mint leaves
How to make it
Blend everything in a grinder. Strain the mixture. Drink it chilled with some lemon.
So, wait no more! Start with any one of your favorite juices and combine it with other positive lifestyle changes. You will see tangible benefits in just a few weeks.
Carrot juice
This is a miracle juice. Rich in calcium, vitamin A, sodium, potassium, magnesium, it contains trace amounts of vitamins B, C, D, E, and K. As calcium is a fussy mineral, it needs a whole lot of other minerals to support its absorption.
Carrot juice provides the correct mix of nutrients to increase the bio-availability of calcium. You can use 6-7 large carrots to make a glass of juice and drink it twice a day to derive its health benefits. All you need is a juicer. Push the carrots into the juicer to extract its juice. For those of you who have given up drinking milk, carrot juice is a good alternative.
It helps fight tumours, increases vigour, vitality, appetite, and body weight. It helps improve the functioning of the nervous system, improves skin, hair, and nails, and purifies the blood. You can also take carrot juice along with spinach juice. It strengthens immunity, prevents constipation, bleeding gums, anaemia, indigestion, colds, and coughs.
- 1 cup chopped spinach
- 1 cup carrot
- 1/2 lemon juice
How to make it
Put spinach and carrot in a grinder. Add some water and blend it into a smooth mixture. Strain it. Add some lemon and enjoy this healthy, nutrient-rich drink.
Cucumber juice
Alkaline in nature and rich in potassium, Cucumber helps combat fatigue and muscle strain. Cucumber juice is highly effective in treating hyperacidity. It is also a skin cleanser, which can more powerful if blended with carrot juice.
- 1 cup Cucumbers
- 1//2 cup chopped Carrots
- 1/2 tsp Lemon juice
How to make it
Put cucumbers and carrot in a grinder. Add some water and blend it into a smooth mixture. Strain it. Add some Lemon and enjoy this healthy, nutrient-rich drink.
Pineapple Juice
Packed with Vitamin C and manganese, Pineapple is about 80% water. This juice has immense digestive properties as it contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps digest food better. What’s more, pineapple juice soothes the bile, cools the stomach and is effective in relieving abdominal pain and flatulence. It helps to detoxify the body by promoting the elimination of waste products.
- 1 cup chopped Pineapple
- 1 cup chopped Cucumber
- 1/2 tsp Lemon juice
How to make it
Put Cucumbers and Pineapple in a grinder. Blend into a smooth mixture using some water. Strain it. Add the lemon juice. Serve it cool.