5 signs and symptoms of obesity
Obesity is a condition in which a person’s body contains excess fat. A person is considered obese if his/her weighs 20% or more than the ideal body weight. Listed below are the 5 major signs of obesity that can pose a significant threat to your life.
Weight Gain
If you find yourself on the verge of gaining excess fat or your body starts feeling heavier than usual, it’s time to take a note of it. The chances are that you are moving towards obesity. So, stop and take control of it right there.
Breathing Disorder
Since your body contains excess fat, it finds it difficult to stay active physically. Your movements are less and slower. Even if you try and be active, you either pant or find difficulty in breathing normally.
Joint Pain
The moment your body gains excess weight your joints show the results. You experience joint pains and get tired easily. The most common disorder being osteoarthritis.
High Blood Pressure
As you tend to get closer to obesity, you will experience a sudden rise in your blood pressure. Your blood pressure is a little higher than the normal which might increase rapidly if not controlled.
Pre-Diabetic Conditions
If you notice a slight increase in your insulin level or visit your washroom a little more frequently than usual, that’s it. Chances are that obesity is giving you a call, which might just land up if you don’t take necessary precautions.