Best Liver Detox with Rosemary
The liver is the washing machine of our body, a detoxifier that cleanses our body, helping us get rid of dangerous toxins. So, it is crucial to maintain the good health of the liver to help it function efficiently and use the best natural remedy for liver cleansing enabling you to enjoy good health. Going for a liver detox plan comprising liver cleansing foods and liver detox drinks can help you detoxify your liver naturally, gently, and safely. Medicinal herbs can also help you with a natural liver cleanse. And, Rosemary is one such herb that health experts would suggest. So, you might be wondering how Rosemary detox works and what other natural ways for a natural liver cleanse are, aren’t you? Give this blog a read to find out all about it.
Rosmarinus officinalis, ordinarily known as Rosemary is derived from the Latin words ‘ros’ (dew) and ‘marinus’ (sea), meaning ‘dew of the sea’. It is a powerful herb, prescribed by the great Greek physician Hippocrates himself, for its anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and liver cleansing properties. One of the most important organs of the human body, the liver is primarily responsible for producing bile and removing toxins from our body. Here’s how consuming rosemary for liver helps detoxify your system.
Diuretic Nature of the Herb
It increases the rate at which water leaves the body, thus flushing out pathogens, salts, toxins and excess fat from the body. Thus, it has an active role in the liver flush
Regulates Bile Flow
Rosemary oil regulates bile flow which helps neutralise the acidic food from the stomach.
Boosts Liver Function
It cleans out dangerous toxins that accumulate in the body and flushes them out of the liver. So, if you are looking for a natural liver flush solution, gently massaging rosemary oil mixed with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, on your stomach can detoxify your liver and improve your gallbladder health. It is one of the best liver detox solutions.
Ways to Include Rosemary in your Diet
TThe leaves, either fresh or dried, serve as a wonderful seasoning herb for meats and curries, as well as a flavouring agent in a variety of dishes such as soups, salads, stews and purees. Consumed in the form of tea, it can treat digestive ailments. Just add a few leaves to hot water, steam for five minutes, strain and consume hot. However, a word of caution, since rosemary is diuretic in nature it is not advisable for women in their menstrual cycle or pregnant women, to consume this herb.
Here are some more natural remedies to detox your liver –
Go Natural to Repair your Liver
Milk Thistle
This impressive herb is effective for a wide range of liver diseases. There is evidence indicating the fact that this herb is beneficial for viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, the toxicity caused by chemicals and certain medications. Take 600 milligrams of this remedy twice a day at meal times.
Apple Cider Vinegar
It is full of health-promoting enzymes and good bacteria. It is highly a recommended remedy that helps to detoxify the liver. If taken prior to meals, it assists in metabolizing fat easily. Hence, it is considered excellent for weight loss. Simply mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Add one teaspoon of honey to this mix. Drink this mixture three times a day to cleanse the liver.
Dandelion Root Tea is the Trick
It is has been related to chicory. Dandelion’s uses during the ancient times include treating upset stomach, heartburn, spleen related concerns and to improve overall immunity. Some health practitioners suggest using dandelion to stimulate the liver and kidneys to filter waste material out of the blood. This remedy helps to promote healthy liver function. Simple make tea using the dandelion root powder available in a food store. Take this remedy at least twice daily to get benefited by it. You can also boil a few roots in a glass of water and drink this.
Eat More of Amla
One of the richest sources of Vitamin C, Amla keeps the liver functioning at the optimal level. Studies show that Amla has liver-protective properties. Just eat 4 to 5 raw amlas every day. It serves as one of the best liver detox foods. You can also use them in salads.
A small clove of garlic activates liver enzymes that help your body to flush out toxins. This kitchen ingredient is also rich in allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing. We recommend 3 to 4 small garlic cloves every day. Just crush it and then gulp it down with some water every morning for the best results. Thus, garlic offers you a natural liver detox juice. You can also add some honey.
On top of that, garlic also helps in losing fat. Consuming a few fresh garlic cloves the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps melt away accumulated body fat. It helps burn calories faster. Also, garlic’s intake helps you feel full for longer, reduces your cravings, and prevents you from overeating. Thus, it prevents you from gaining weight and aids in weight loss. So, include garlic in your weight loss diet chart for males or females.
Citrus fruits such as lemons contain are packed with high amounts of vitamin C, which assists the body in synthesising toxic waste materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. Every morning drink freshly-squeezed lemon water for liver repair as it helps stimulate the liver. Thus, lemon offers you a nutrient-dense liver detox juice to promote your liver health and function.
Moreover, lemons also help in achieving your weight loss goals. The abundant antioxidants and vitamin C content in lemons help promote digestion. Its diuretic properties detoxify your body, thereby promoting fat-burning. So, add fresh lemons to your diet chart for weight loss.
Beetroot contains an array of nutrients, hence it is beneficial for detoxification of digestive organs. Beets stimulate the lymphatic flow and help increase oxygen by cleansing the blood. If you’re suffering from any liver disease, beets are a must. They break down toxic wastes and help excrete them from the body faster. Thus, beets are one of the best, nutritious liver detox foods.
These nutrient-dense beets also aid weight loss. This root vegetable has high water content and is low in fats. So, consuming them helps you have optimum energy levels without undesirable weight gain. Boosting your intake of these low-calorie beets by adding them to your diet plan for weight loss can help you get in shape while improving your immunity.
Therefore, make sure to follow a healthy lifestyle and combine it with the above-mentioned guidelines for detox. Go ahead and include Rosemary and some of the other herbs and foods to flush out toxins. You will get amazing results in no time.
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