Sip up a vegetable juice
Drink a glass of vegetable juice like carrot (1) + cucumber (1) + beetroot (1) or fruit juice like orange (1) + sweet lime (2) juice every day. These juices provide your body with antioxidants such as vitamin C & A and bioflavonoids, which help the body to fight against free radical activity & prevent cellular damage to the cells.
Drink a lot of water
In order to keep your skin hydrated you must drink at least 8-10 glasses of water. This helps to flush away toxins and discourages formation of wrinkles.
Clean your skin
Practice skin-cleansing routine regularly. For instance, to clean large pores effectively, you could rub a mashed tomato over your face. It is rich in enzymes, which go deep into the pores, & cleans out dirt & excess oil.
B-Vitamins are the way forward
The B-vitamins along with the mineral zinc help in maintaining a healthy skin texture. You can take a supplement containing them regularly.
Eat low-fat curd
If you have a dry skin, try eating a bowl of low fat curd for Breakfast along with 6-8 almonds. Further, prepare a mixture of crushed grapes and honey. Make a paste and apply it to your face. Leave it for 20-30 minutes and then rinse it off. Grapes are a good source of alpha hydroxy acids and collagen (a protein, that holds the skin together), which help prevent premature wrinkles.
Don’t use a soap to wash your face
Avoid washing your face with soap. Use soap free, face wash instead. This prevents depletion of the natural oils in your skin and thus, prevents it from drying up.
Exercise helps
Exercise helps improve circulation. Better blood circulation means better bioavailability of nutrients and oxygen and a better skin glow.
Avoid taking stress
Stress is also known to precipitate premature wrinkles formation. Vitamin E is useful at such stressful periods. Wheat germ, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, soybeans are a good sources of vitamin E.
Have GLA supplements
Supplements of GLA (Gama Linolenic Acid) helps in preventing the skin from dryness and thus, helps prevent premature wrinkle formation.
Your skin is a reflection of what you choose to eat and the lifestyle that you follow. Beauty does begin with good health indeed!
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