Heredity is one of the main risk factors for developing varicose veins, responsible for 80% of varicose vein disease. In fact, the risk of developing varicose veins doubles if both parents have the condition.
Excess weight places undue pressure on your legs. This weakens the walls of your veins, causing them to lose their elasticity. Eventually the veins widen, separating the valves responsible for preventing the backflow of blood. The more blood that enters your veins, the more enlarged they become, twisting as they attempt to fit into their normal space.
Lack of exercise
Lack of exercise causes poor circulation, which can lead to varicose veins.
Jobs requiring prolonged sitting or standing
People who stand for long periods of time are at risk, since gravity builds pressure within the veins, causing them to dilate.
Low-fiber diet
Low-fiber diets produce straining during defecation, increasing pressure in the abdomen, causing a weakening and dilation of the superficial veins in the legs, leading to varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
Age over 40
The walls of the veins lose elasticity with age and normal wear and tear.