We have all entered this world with a flawless complexion. Glowing skin is the hallmark of beauty. This article provides natural tips for getting a glowing skin.
As we grow older our skin is bound to age but time is not your skins greatest enemy. Sun exposure, smoking, poor diet, environmental toxins, excess alcohol consumption, stress, harsh foods, lack of sleep and little or no exercise also pushes your skin to age faster and form wrinkles. All these factors produce an excess of free radicals that damage the collagen (a Protein) in your skin. Collagen is responsible for giving your skin its youthful and supple look. Once it is damage the skin begins to look stiff and wrinkles set in.
The most important thing to remember is that beautiful skin starts from the inside, so eating right can do wonders for your skin. By correcting your lifestyle, diet and nutrition one can reduce dependency on artificial cosmetics. Here are few guidelines to improve your nutrition and food habits and bring that inner glow onto your face:
Diet & Nutrition Guidelines:
Eat enough protein
Most vegetarians do not get adequate proteins due to which they experience hair loss. Sulphur-rich foods such as eggs are beneficial for hair health.
Improve your digestion
If you are not digesting your food well, your body will not get the nutrients it needs to keep you healthy. Many people have insufficient stomach acids and poor intestinal flora due to which they have a weekend immune system. Take probiotics, essential fats and consume raw vegetable juices to improve digestion.
Consume antioxidants
As they help to slow down the aging process. Antioxidants like vitamin A, C, E, Selenium can be taken through food and supplements. Avoid the needless intake of prescription medication unless necessary. They add to the toxic overload in the body.
Switch to healthy carbs
Unhealthy carbs include sugar-based products and refined starches such as white pasta, white rice and white bread. Replace these with healthy carbs such as whole grains and foods with a high-fibre content – whole grains are beneficial for the body and insoluble fibre helps reduce cholesterol levels. If unhealthy carbs are a regular part of your diet, eliminate them gradually.
Drink lots of water
Ideally, you should be drinking at least eight glasses of water through the day. If you drink less, gradually increase your intake by adding one glass every few days until you reach 8 glasses or more per day.
Eat nuts
Nuts are a rich source of the “good” unsaturated fats, rich in mineral and make a fulfilling nibble. Studies suggest that a regular intake of nuts could be healthy for the heart. You could have them plain or sprinkled on a salad.
Stress management
Incorporate stress management techniques in your life such as yoga, pranayama and meditation. It is said toxic thoughts are worse than toxic foods. Therefore, cleansing your mind through pranayama and meditation is immensely beneficial in maintaining good health. Exercise at least 5 days in a week. Weight training as well as cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking help improve overall health.
Above all, remember that there is no substitute for adequate rest and sleep. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. It will help to preserve your youth. The sooner you start, the sooner you will start feeling better. Treat health as a priority and you will find yourself making time for it. Remember to set realistic goals – making drastic changes simultaneously could put a damper on your efforts. So, start with small steps and work on them one at a time.