Anti Inflammation Treatment health plan
What is the significance of Inflammation Panel?
The Inflammation Support Panel analyses genes that are responsible for producing certain proteins that bring about inflammation at a cellular level.
These proteins, called “markers,” create a multitude of metabolic problems within the body including obesity. And as is well known, obesity is the precursor of a host of other related problems, like cardiac problems and diabetes.
Once analyses is performed, your Nutrigenomics Counsellor will advise you to take anti-inflammatory food and natural supplements along with a customised diet plan to mitigate risks associated with the body’s tendency to produce high levels of inflammatory markers.
Benefits of Addressing Inflammation Through Nutrigenomics
Inflammation is often called the root cause of several chronic conditions, and addressing it at a genetic level can have transformative effects on overall health. The Inflammation Support Panel allows you to understand your body’s unique tendencies toward inflammation and its potential health impacts. By decoding this information, nutrigenomics paves the way for precise and personalized intervention strategies.
Targeted Dietary Modifications
After your genetic analysis, a customized diet plan is designed to include anti-inflammatory foods that are scientifically proven to reduce inflammation. Foods like turmeric, ginger, green leafy vegetables, walnuts, and fatty fish are often emphasized, as they contain compounds that naturally suppress inflammatory responses. These foods, tailored to your genetic profile, work synergistically to calm the body’s inflammatory pathways.
Role of Natural Supplements
Natural supplements, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, are integrated into your routine based on the inflammation panel results. Supplements such as curcumin, resveratrol, and CoQ10 enhance the body’s ability to combat inflammation at a cellular level while supporting better metabolism and immune function.
A Step Toward Preventive Healthcare
By focusing on your genetic predisposition, the anti-inflammation health plan doesn’t just address current health issues but acts as a preventive tool. Reducing inflammation through nutrigenomics can significantly lower your risk of developing obesity-related complications like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.
Holistic Support with Nutrigenomics
At Health Total, our team of expert nutritionists and nutrigenomics counselors collaborates to ensure that your health plan integrates seamlessly into your lifestyle. With a personalized approach, you can expect not just relief from inflammation but also a boost in overall vitality and well-being.
So, if you are looking for natural ways to stay healthy or manage any chronic disease condition, nutrigenomics and gene nutrition test can help. Our health experts offer you nutrigenomics counselling to help you learn which foods can alter the expression of your genes and metabolism, and help you enjoy good health. Moreover, our integrated treatment approach and customised nutrigenomics diet plan can help you meet all your nutritional needs, strengthen your immune system, manage your weight, prevent lifestyle-based ailments, and boost your immunity. So, waste no time, get in touch with us at Health Total, have your gene nutrition test done, and pave your way to enjoy a healthy, happy life with our personalized nutrigenomics counselling and nutrigenomics diet.
Our results are visible and measurable, and our processes are scientific, natural and safe.
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