It may be difficult, but it is important to learn to accept weight gain during menopause is inevitable. During menopause, weight gain is regulated by your body and helps prepare you against osteoporosis and other illnesses. Instead of hating your new body, try to be more accepting of yourself. Focus on being healthy and active, not trying to fit into your old clothes. Here are a few tips to help you out on the way:
Get junk food out
Begin by cutting out the junk. Yes, your body could handle a few bars of chocolates per week or a meal in a restaurant, now it cannot! So cut out the excess for the few weeks and see if that works for you. Indulge in fruits and vegetables.
Avoid crash diets
Starvation will only cause your metabolism to slow down, causing you to gain more weight later on. Consult a nutritionist who can help you to rebalance your hormone with the help of food and nutrients. This would help you to shed off excess baggage.
Don’t lose large amounts of weight
Being very thin can lead to an increased chance of developing osteoporosis.
Control caffeine intake
Limit your intake of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. These can exacerbate water retention.
Remain active
Do aerobics to increase your metabolism and burn fat.
Vitamin D3 helps
Also ensure intake of calcium and D3 to prevent body ache and pain, hair loss, and bone degeneration.
Calcium-rich foods are good
When hungry snack on low fat freshly set curd or a bowl of thin dal. These are rich in calcium and have a low glycemic index. So, they will help you to lose weight and keep your bones strong.
Eat spinach
If you like vegetables, eat spinach often. It is packed with antioxidants, fiber, bone strengthening magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K. Spinach helps lower risk of cataracts, stroke, heart disease, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease. Cook it with garlic and tomato or use it raw in your salad.
For some women, this phase becomes extremely difficult since along with other symptoms they tend to put on excessive weight during menopause. This could be a sign that something is wrong with your hormone levels, blood sugars, or eating habits. Also, excessive fat stored around the abdomen can lead to an increased risk for heart disease and high blood pressure. Make sure that you do something about it before your weight gain is out of control.