Home Remedies For Back Pain
Back pain can be managed effectively through the following home remedies:
Cut thin slices of fresh ginger root and put them in a pan of boiling water. Simmer and boil it on low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature and strain it. Add honey and then drink it. You can drink this ginger tea two or three times a day for a few days or until you see improvement. You can also make herbal tea with a one-half teaspoon of black peppercorns, one-half teaspoon of cloves and one teaspoon of ginger powder.
Herbal Oil
Massaging your back with an herbal oil can help your muscles relax and relieve pain. You can use any herbal oil such as eucalyptus oil, almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil. Heat the oil until warm and massage it gently over the aching area.
Eat two to three cloves of garlic every morning on empty stomach. You can also massage your back with garlic oil. To make garlic oil, heat some coconut oil, mustard oil or sesame oil on low heat and then add 8 to 10 cloves of garlic to it. Fry the garlic until it is brown. Strain the oil and let it cool to room temperature. Massage your back gently with the oil. Leave it on for some time and then take a bath in warm water.
Soak a handful of wheat in water overnight. In the morning, mix in cuscus grass powder and coriander. Then add one cup of milk and boil it for a few minutes until it thickens. Drink the mixture twice daily.