One of the most important applications of good nutrition is that it keeps our immune system strong. Genetically all of us are born with a certain level of vitality or bio-energy.
However, certain lifestyle and diet factors could lead our immunity to diminish, making us prone to sickness and ill health. However, one can enhance immunity naturally by leading the right lifestyle, exercising regularly, eating correctly and taking sufficient nutrients in the form of supplements.
What Causes Low Immunity?
There are several factors which could cause our immunity to diminish. They are as follows:
- Pollution
- Long working hours
- Poor stress management
- Use of stimulants
- Intoxicants
- Poor diet
- Overeating
All these factors take a huge toll on our immunity and also cause low energy levels. So if you find yourself very tired by the end of the day, you may be suffering from toxin accumulation in the blood. Low immunity and low energy levels are bound to affect your work performance for the worst. However, simply loading up on the right supplements can help improve immunity and also boost energy levels.
Lately, researchers have acknowledged the many benefits of selenium. This mineral works best when taken along with beta-carotene and vitamin E and has the ability to boost the body’s immune system and protect it against free radical damage. As a result, you will enjoy stronger immunity. Its immunity boosting properties are attributed to its ability to enhance the production of glutathione peroxidase, a potent antioxidant our body produces. Additionally, selenium helps in the prevention of strokes, hardened arteries and protects against breast and prostrate cancer.
Without adequate intake of selenium, your body could be subject to infections and degenerative diseases such as heart disease and cancer. As we age, our cells get low in selenium, which hastens the aging process. Research indicates that most age related illnesses, including physical and mental deterioration, can be prevented by simply increasing your intake of selenium.
How do we get Selenium in our diet?
While foods like garlic, sunflower seeds, whole grains and brazil nuts do contain small quantities of selenium, these are not dependable sources. However, it’s possible for plant foods such black grapes, whole grains, onions, brown rice, and garlic to retain selenium if they are grown in selenium rich soil.
How much Selenium to consume?
If used for its immunity boosting properties, a dose of about 100 micrograms is sufficient. If you are using it for conditions such as anxiety or depression, or for protection against heart disease and cancer, you would need around 150-200 mcg per day. You should not exceed this amount, except under medical supervision, as higher doses of selenium could prove lethal.
Apart from selenium, there are other vitamins, minerals, supplements and lifestyles factors which can prevent the above-mentioned problems but selenium remains a prime player in boosting immunity.