Tips to Not Degrade to Type 3 Diabetes
Insulin resistance in the brain leading to Alzheimer’s disease is now termed as type 3 diabetes within the alternative healthcare groups, but the term is not widely accepted by the medical community. Some experts refer to this type of diabetes as brain diabetes. It is basically a progression from type 2 diabetes to Alzheimer’s disease and its related forms of dementia along with a decline in cognitive function.
People with type 2 diabetes are 50-60% more prone to develop Alzheimer’s when compared to normal blood sugar level individuals. Recent research has suggested that women with type 2 diabetes have 19% more risk when compared to men, of developing vascular dementia where the blood supply to the brain is affected.
People suffering from any form of dementia including Alzheimer’s will not necessarily develop diabetes and not everyone with type 2 diabetes will develop Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. But in reality, these are the risk factors that may add up to promote disease formation.
High blood sugar can lead to inflammation in the body as well as the brain, and this chronic inflammation might be responsible for amyloid plaque formation, the trademark of Alzheimer’s disease. Insulin resistance can impair blood flow to the brain, leading to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain cells, ultimately prone to small strokes that can increase the risk of dementia.
The combination of these factors may add up as we get old increasing exposure to cognitive impairment.
Symptoms of type 3 diabetes
A person in the early stages of type 3 diabetes may demonstrate some of the warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease but not show elevated blood sugar levels in a laboratory test. Mentioned below are some of the symptoms:
- The primary symptom is memory loss, where a person forgets important day to day activities and recent memories and may ask the same thing over and over again.
- People may do things slower and may become confused about simple things like names, dates or places.
- These people may lose their train of thought in the middle of a sentence.
- They may start losing things, or they may withdraw from work or social activities.
None of these symptoms means that the person is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or type 3 diabetes, or any form of dementia. But if you observe these symptoms in a loved one, get them checked immediately.
Protection against the development of type 3 diabetes
We can minimise the risk of Alzheimer’s by following a healthy lifestyle, taking care of diet and physical activity. Take corrective steps to control diabetes with medication and lifestyle behaviour changes to reduce the risk of development of cognitive impairment. Follow the following steps to protect the brain and body against the harmful effects of diabetes:
1. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight
Incorporate aerobic exercise in your everyday routine to aid in proper blood circulation throughout the body and brain. Opt for strength training to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar.
2. Eat Healthily
Eat a healthy, high fiber, low glycemic index diet and avoid processed foods with added sugars.
3. Manage and monitor your blood sugar levels
Follow your nutritionist’s advise for diabetes management. Monitor your glycosylated blood sugar levels regularly to prevent slipping into type 3 diabetes.
4. Manage Stress
Get plenty of sound sleep to keep the mind sharp and manage stress.
5. Eat a diet rich in antioxidants
Eat a diet rich in antioxidants. Raw vegetable juices are a good way to start. Avoid alcohol and smoking.