Best Ways to Improve Your Digestion Naturally
Every cell in the body requires adequate magnesium to function. Inadequate magnesium will hamper digestion and cause acidity. Drink raw vegetable juice like mint and coriander or tomato and carrot to improve magnesium intake as well as to improve your digestion.
Chew your food well
Most of us eat food while watching TV, working on the laptop or in a hurry. So food is not chewed properly and in the proces, large chunks of food are passed down which is not broken down completely. by the system. Saliva in the mouth contains digestive enzyme which breaks down carbohydrates. So every portion of food should be enjoyed and thoroughly chewed. Since the process of digestion begins in the mouth, properly chewing of the food can help in better digestion. Also there is better absorption of nutrients when the food is chewed well.
Increase dietary fibre
Fruits and vegetables are a good source of dietary fiber so they help in cleaning our system. Also, fibre has the ability to soften stools and provide bulk to the stool. But some people experience some discomfort like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, constipation or flatulence on consuming dietary fiber. Such individuals can opt for fiber supplements which can increase the fiber intake and stimulate bowel regularity. Psyllium is good for bowel stimulation process. Fibre supplements also help in lowering cholesterol levels.
This works like magic in improving your digestion while reducing gas and bloat. They also help in boosting your immunity and lower cholesterol levels. Digestive disturbances usually begin when the balance of good bacteria and harmful bacteria gets tipped in the wrong direction. To improve your digestion, eat a full bowl of curd. You may also take buttermilk, kefir, dhoklas, idlis or other fermented foods up your probiotic intake.
Move your body
Regular walking apart from helping you with weight loss also help you to improve your digestion. Walk 2-3 km every day to improve digestion. Exercise improves digestion as well as assimilation of nutrients.
Herbs help digestion
Ginger has many medical uses one of them being digestion. If you take 1 teaspoon of ginger juice along with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey after the meal, it will help to digest your meal well. Ginger also has blood thinning properties. It improves Agni ( digestive power) in the body and also helps in pain relief.
Pippli (Piperlongum) helps increase gastric juices and improve appetite and digestion. It is an ingredient found in many churans. It can be also added to the food or taken individually to aids digestion. Moreover, a mixture of rock salt and lemon juice is taken after the meal also helps reduce gas and improve digestion.