Type 2 Diabetes nutrition and Diet
Remember that Type 2 Diabetes is a nutrition-related problem and can lead to the development of several other health problems including heart disease. Therefore, controlling your diet could prove to be your best bet against diabetes. So get started to on a diabetic diet, based on your health goals, taste and lifestyle! To effectively manage your diabetes you could follow this Type 2 Diabetes Diet for the next two weeks.
- 1 cup green tea
- 1 tsp methi seed powder
- 2 tbsp roasted oat bran or wheat flakes with 100 ml skim milk/ dalia
- 1 apple or a bowl of papaya
- 5-6 almonds
- 2 slices of whole wheat bread or bran chapattis
- 2 cups cooked vegetables & 1 cup curd
- Salad (tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage, onion, mix sprouts)
- 1 vegetable juice (dudhi+ mint)
- 2-3 wheat biscuits or popcorn or a handful of roasted channa
Clean vegetable soup, Soya chunks
- 1 bowl rajma or kabuli channa
- 2 cups cooked green vegetables/
- Fish (100 gms – grilled or steamed) twice a week
- 2 slices of whole wheat bread or 2 jowar chapattis
However, if you are suffering from any medical problems or are under any medications, then please consult your family physician before starting any diet.