When it comes to natural home remedies for high blood pressure, there are many options available, including ones related to diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors. There are also several supplements that safely and effectively lower blood pressure naturally. Here are some of them that we highly recommend.
Potassium has high blood pressure lowering effects. In fact, low levels of potassium in the body lead to increased sodium retention, calcium loss, and raise blood pressure. Potassium helps normalize blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and helping the body get rid of excess water and salt. Freshly prepared vegetable juices are a great source of potassium. Here is a list of food items rich in potassium.
- Banana
- Watermelon
- Muskmelon
- Papaya
- Peaches
- Milk
- Dry fruits
- Fruit & vegetable juices
- Potatoes
- Whole grain
- Pulses
Those suffering from hypertension along with poor kidneys, need to control their potassium intake as an excess amount can be toxic due to improper kidney function. They should consult their physicians.
The calcium to phosphorus ratio has a bearing on blood pressure. Ratio of 2:1 is ideal. When you take in higher amounts of phosphorous (as in meats, soft drinks, chocolates) the ratio gets disrupted, eventually leading to high blood pressure. Non-vegetarian diets are rich in protein. However, too much protein leaches calcium out of the body leading to osteoporosis and increased risk for developing high blood pressure.
High blood pressure could also occur due to a magnesium deficiency. Supplementing with fish, leafy vegetables, pulses, and brown rice, which are good sources of magnesium, will help normalize your blood pressure. Most people need about 300-400mg of magnesium daily to keep their blood pressure under control. Natural sources of magnesium include:
- Nuts
- Whole grains
- Wheat bran
- Leafy vegetables
If you have a kidney problem or a heart problem, you should check with your doctor before taking supplemental magnesium.
You don’t have to go off salt completely in case you have high BP. Sodium restriction alone may not help to bring down blood pressure. It probably helps those who are salt-sensitive. Adding minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium and losing weight has a far more significant blood pressure lowering effect. However, along with the other corrections, eat less salt, but do not go to extremes and remove all sodium sources from your diet. Although one shouldn’t eat excessively.
However, along with the other corrections, eat less salt, but do not go to extremes and remove all sodium sources from your diet. Although one shouldn’t eat excessive salt, but a rise in blood pressure means you need to add minerals to your diet rather than just emphasize on salt restriction, which alone may not help. Along with these minerals you need to follow a basic healthy high-fiber diet, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and pulses, and mineral-rich fresh fruits and vegetables.