5-Superfoods for A Healthy Weight Loss
Want to reduce weight without starving? Simply include these 5 weight loss friendly foods in your diet to lose belly fat fast!
Best weight loss friendly foods
A dash of lemon each day can keep several health problems at bay. One of the best detoxifying weight loss friendly foods, lemon provides you with vitamin C, keeps acidity away and adds sweet and sour taste to your daily meals. Just add a few drops of lemon to your food or simply sip a glass of lime water to witness the magic.
Lemons are naturally blessed with thermogenic properties, which help regulate metabolism, thus promoting the whole weight loss process. Also, they contain flavonoids that help in reducing the inflammation and oxidative stress, which are partly responsible for weight gain.
Here’s how lemon helps in belly fat loss!
- 1 glass warm water
- 1/2 juiced lemon
- 1/2 tsp honey
How to prepare?
Mix the lemon juice with the water. Add honey to the mixture and the drink is ready. Consume it every morning before breakfast till you see results.
Packed with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, garlic is included in the list of weight loss friendly foods as it not only helps you lose weight, but also helps in fighting acidity and cholesterol. Further, it also strengthens the immune system. Garlic is extremely helpful as an appetite suppressant since it sends the brain signals of satiety when it is eaten. This makes a person eat less. Garlic also speeds up the body’s metabolism. It is known to stimulate the nervous system to release the adrenaline hormone – thereby accelerating the metabolism. Increased metabolism can, in turn, help you to burn calories much faster and thus lose weight.
How to reduce belly fat fast with garlic?
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 juiced lemon
- 1 glass of warm water
How to prepare?
Mix the lemon juice with water. Smash the cloves of garlic and add it to the mixture and the drink is ready. Consume this beverage every morning before breakfast for two weeks.
Looking for a healthy snacking alternative made of garlic? Try garlic plain khakhra!
Nuts are considered to be supremely beneficial for your overall good health. High in protein, loaded with healthy fats and low in simple carbohydrates, nuts stimulate your body to burn additional fat and shed extra kilos. Thus, they make it to the list of weight loss friendly foods. Nuts can be an incredibly versatile addition to your diet. They are a handy snack to stock in your purse, taste crunchy and delicious when added to a mixed salad, and can be easily blended with your favorite smoothie recipe for a protein boost.
However, do not go overboard when eating nuts because they are quite high in calories. Nuts are a great source of energy and are packed with a lot of nutrients in spite of being small in size. Although this means that you get a lot of nutritional benefit from nuts, it also means that eating a large serving of nuts could add extra calories to your daily diet regime. In spite of this, nuts have been scientifically proven to help you shed kilos.
In a study, it has been found that eating nuts are associated with greater weight loss. This is because they not only suppress your cravings, but also make you feel full for a longer time, and help in avoiding over-indulgence in food. It also helps increase good cholesterol and nourishes skin. Thus, make sure that you always keep a box of nuts handy whenever attacked by sudden hunger pangs.
How to lose belly fat fast with nuts?
Soak a handful of mixed nuts overnight. Have them with your breakfast or as a part of your mid-afternoon snack.
The fibre content (1 medium apple contains 4 grams fibre) is extremely high given the low-calorie content of apples, making them an excellent food to assist you to reach your weight loss goal. Low-cal, full of vitamins and minerals, and full of fiber, apples help maintain your blood-sugar level, staving off cravings for high-calorie no-no foods. Plus, the low-sodium content in apples can help prevent excess water weight and retention.
How to lose belly fat fast with Apples?
Have an apple before each meal. It will help curb your appetite giving you a feeling of fullness and hence make weight loss easier.
Cinnamon has a regulatory effect on blood sugar levels. It is extremely helpful in balancing the blood sugar levels. Increased blood sugar levels can lead to increased storage of fat by the body, cinnamon helps prevent this increased storage of fat and enables you to lose weight. Also, stable blood sugar levels can lead to fewer food cravings and increased energy levels, helping you with weight control and loss. Cinnamon is especially helpful in reducing the fat around your belly area (visceral fat). You use either cinnamon supplements (in the form of pills) or powder or sticks to help reach your weight loss goal.
How to lose belly fat fast with cinnamon?
Ingredients needed:
- 1 glass warm water
- 1/2 juiced lemon
- 1/2 tsp honey
- 1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder
How to prepare?
Mix cinnamon in the glass of warm water. Now add the honey as well as lemon juice in it. Stir it and sip slowly.
Therefore, try these above-mentioned foods and combine it with certain healthy lifestyle changes. Try to do some aerobic exercises every day. Also, if possible divert your mind from everyday stresses by listening to music, meditation, yoga or simply talking to your loved ones.
All these changes show a cumulative positive effect on your body leading you towards long sustainable good health.
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