3 Best Drinks to Quickly Reduce Your Waistline
Being on the heavier side not only makes one socially conscious but also prone to certain diseases. Having fat more concentrated on the waistline can sometimes be the sign of pre-diabetes. It is best to control this tendency early on by making some simple diet changes.
Other than regular exercises add these amazing weight loss drinks to your metabolism. Our health experts believe in managing all health-related issues with the use of food therapy.
They believe that including natural drinks not only impart vitamins in the body but also help flush out the toxins. This helps lighten the liver making it function at its optimal best thus improving the metabolism. Below mentioned are some simple but effective drinks to help shrink your waistline by flushing out the toxins:
Green Tea
This drink helps kick-start the body’s process of metabolism. An addition of ginger and cinnamon increases the antioxidant value of this tea. It helps fight free radicals, thus making it easy to reduce belly fat. Here to Buy Green Tea Online
Place cinnamon sticks and crushed ginger in a pan. Pour boiling hot water over it. Cover it and let it steep for 10 minutes. Now strain the drink into a cup. You may also add some lemon and honey to it, and your drink is ready.
Pineapple-Mint Juice
Pineapple is loaded with many important enzymes. By adding mint, it can be made into a refreshing and delicious drink to help shrink the belly. The body’s metabolism would get improved, digestion will go smooth and the body will burn fat faster.
Place chopped pineapple pieces in a blender. Add mint leaves and add a half-cup of water. Blend into a smooth juice. Strain if needed, add some lemon juice and enjoy this tasty drink for a quick weight loss.
Curry Leaves Juice
Curry leaves are loaded with fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper as well as vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, and many other antioxidants. It is known to be extremely good for hair and overall health. However, it can also benefit weight loss when taken regularly.
Blend fresh curry leaves with some water into a paste. Strain this mixture into a glass. Add some drops of lemon and half a tsp of honey. Drink this regularly for a healthy and quick weight loss.
Try these simple remedies, which are easily available in your kitchen and lose kilos in no time. For those who are interested in Detoxifying, their system should do it under expert guidance. You can also get a First Free health consultation with the Health Total team by simply placing a call on 1-800-843-0206.