Herbal Teas to fight inflammation

Herbal Teas That Help Fight Inflammation

Spices, herbs and plants have been used as medicines for centuries. They contain powerful compounds that prevent damage to your cells and help fight specific illnesses from their roots. These consumed in the form of herbal teas are greatly beneficial.

Herbal teas are a powerhouse of antioxidants and nutrients and boost your body’s natural defences against diseases. They help your body heal faster, thereby reducing inflammation.

And while there are more than 30 types of herbal teas available, here’s a handpicked list of just 6 powerful teas that will prove tremendously beneficial for inflammation.


green tea1. Green Tea

It has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve flare-ups associated with inflammation.

Tulsi tea2.Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea

It helps fight compounds that trigger inflammation, pain and swelling greatly.

Anti Inflammatory Turmeric Tea2.Turmeric Tea

The active ingredient ‘curcumin’ helps reduce inflammation and pain. Curcumin absorbes better with black pepper, so add a pinch to your tea.

Anti Inflammatory Turmeric Tea2.Ginger Tea

Ginger contains compounds that limit the production of pro-inflammatory substances in the body.

Anti Inflammatory Turmeric Tea2.Rose Hip Tea

Rosehip contain phenolic compounds which are powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants that protect your cells from damage.

Anti Inflammatory Turmeric Tea2.Fennel Tea

Fennel is known to reduce pain, especially menstrual – related pain. This is due to its powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.

Apart anti-inflammatory properties, these herbal teas have a whole list of vitamins, minerals and healing properties which you mustn’t miss out on. So go for a warm cup of herbal tea when your feet hits the floor in the morning or kick back with a cuppa whenever you please! For a life free from inflammation, slowly, but definitely.

December 13, 2019

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