Know Everything about Winter and its effects
Winter is all about spreading warmth, however, this season could be really tough on your skin. Though it’s a wonderland outside during winters, but your skin reveals something else. This season brings along a lot of dryness, itchiness and can make you look dull. The harsh weather, chilly winds and ultra-violet rays strip the glow of your skin.
Cold temperature means low humidity, which dries out skin and makes it look flaky. Extreme cold winds strip moisture from exposed skin, and people usually find their skin to be tight, red, cracked or peeled. It is usually during this time that skin conditions like dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, cracked feet flare up. On one hand, your skin has to undergo the harsh treatment of the chilly weather, while on the other hand the heated air indoor leads to loss of water from your skin. Also, switching from cold outdoors into soothing centrally-heated indoor or vice-versa can take its toll on your complexion.
Listed below are some of the effects of winter on your skin:
- Itchy: Since winter strips off your skin of all the moisture, your skin tends to get dried up and itchy. The skin feels pulled and loses elasticity thus leading to itching.
- Dry and dull: Winter is associated with chilly winds and harsh weather. These rip off all the natural moisture from the skin. In most of the cases, even after applying good moisturising creams and lotions really doesn’t help.
- Flaky: Winter brings dry conditions which lead to a lot of dryness. This dryness further leads to the dead skin which falls out as flakes.
Often people think that with the onset of winter, they can do away with their regular skincare routine. However, people with all skin types need to equally careful about their skin as they would be during summer or spring. It is important to keep your skin protected and provide proper nourishment be it winter or summer.
At Health Total, we help you treat your skin and various other skin issues through an integrated approach. This integrated approach includes homeopathic treatment coupled with a nutritional plan and lifestyle modifications.
Based on your overall health evaluation, our team of health experts recommend a customised treatment for you. It is combined with a nutritional plan that heals you within and lifestyle modifications that take you towards healthy well-being.
Now you too can seek the guidance of our health experts for all your health problems. Simply call us at 1-800-843-0206or book your appointment for a free consultation right here!