Menopause cannot be stopped. After a certain age, every woman will achieve it. So, it’s better to treat the symptoms related to menopause so that you can have a relaxed lifestyle.
Why fatigue happens: Sporadic sleep is one of the most common problems we see during perimenopause and menopause. Hormonal balance depends on sufficient rest and optimal nutrition. And your ability to rest and make good dietary choices directly affect your hormonal balance.
Relief tip: Take two minutes a day to just breathe. Find a relaxing spot where you can be alone for a little while to reflect. Take time to notice your breathing, each breath, in and out.
Weight Gain
Why it happens: Changing hormones can alter how we store weight. When your body undergoes stress (such as in menopause) it stores up calories as part of its “survival mode.”
Relief tip: Try to decrease your intake of refined carbohydrates. Try eating more high-quality protein, vegetables, healthy fats, and some fruit. Be mindful of carbohydrates. By including extra fiber and healthy protein in your diet, you can help your body retain steady blood sugar levels, and you’ll be less likely to store away those calories as fat.
Hot Flashes
Why hot flashes happen: When you experience a hot flash, the heat-regulating sensor in your brain picks up a signal that your body needs to get rid of heat. Perceived stress can bring on a hot flash in a second. So can some foods and drinks, such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and hot spices.
Relief tip: Wear layers of clothing. Try choosing several thin layers of clothing so you have the option of removing the layers if you start to feel warm. It sounds very simple, but it really can reduce stress to plan what to wear ahead of time.
Low Libido
Why low libido happens: Physical changes, such as vaginal dryness, may make sexual activity painful. It’s not uncommon for women to experience a decrease in libido during menopause.
Relief tip: Know your options. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and make sure you’re getting enough Omega-3 essential fatty acids to help support cell membranes. It’s important to be informed! You have more options than lubrication!
Hair Loss
Why hair loss happens: Our hormones are connected to the growth and shedding cycle of our hair in an intimate way. An imbalance between estrogen and testosterone can contribute to thinning hair. Some women only begin to notice this during menopause or perimenopause. Stress also plays a role here, as it affects the scalp and it affects the adrenal glands which in turn affect your hormones.
Relief tip: Vitamins and minerals are essential to healthy hair. Be sure you’re getting vitamins B (especially B6 and B12), C, D, and E, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, and fish oil with essential fatty acids. Don’t forget the trace minerals as well.
Why wait another day to rid yourself of these bothersome symptoms? Too tired to do what you need to do during the day? Concerned about your hair loss? Frustrated by having your jeans feel tight? Health Total can help with these symptoms and so much more!